Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Tigers with possession outside the 22

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

It seems like the ball has traded hands more times in the last couple of minutes than in the whole of the second half

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Thacker gets his hands on the ball and starts an attack with O'Connor. He is stopped 5m out and the Tigers cough up possession again

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Tigers look to be away but Kitchener knocks on with no one in front of him and Bath counter attack

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Leicester up to the 10m line with Ford pulling the strings

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

High tackle on Ford

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

High tackle and a penalty to Tigers

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Watson chases it and just knocks on with the try-line at his mercy. Scrum to Tigers

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Toomua loses it and Clark kicks ahead

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

They're forwards keep it tight and are 10m out