Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Italy with a quick counter attack after a NZ mistake are rewarded with a consolation try, substitute Tommaso Boni shows his gas getting over in the corner

Michael Healy Nov 11

Try is it?

Sam Leahy Nov 11

get over ?

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Italy clear the ball into touch, lineout NZ, Italy turn it over and get over

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Dixon gets a try for his efforts, fantastic display by the number 6 well deserved try

All Blacks All Day Nov 11


Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Rare mix up by NZ sees them knock it on, Italy play advantage and clear their lines

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Italy choose to kick giving NZ the ball who break up field

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Italy running with ball in hand but Malakai Fekitoa puts in a big hit and sends them backwards

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Malakai Fekitoa doubles his money with a second try after Wyatt Crockett finds a lovely hole then off loads