Enrico Vigliani Nov 11

streaming: dmax.it

Yvonne LeFort Nov 11

Any way to view this in North America?

MunsterMunster Nov 11

No idea, didn't he move to Sale I don't know or haven't heard anything about him

James Askew Nov 11

Does anyone know where Campagnaro is?

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11
Ultimate Rugby Nov 11
Salvatore Nov 11

Poor Italy, they're going to feel the full force of the All Blacks wrath. Can't wait for the Dublin game, boys will be itching for redemption.

MunsterMunster Nov 11

Italy win by 3

Leinster Exile. Nov 11

There's a lot of people that totally miss the point of this game. Of course Italy are unlikely to win but if it raises tje profile of rugby than they have done their job.