Sean Daly Feb 2

Madigan does deserve a shot but he might be saving him for another game! And testing out Jackson on the international stage

Hoop Feb 2

Follow in the ladies footsteps!

Jason L. Jan 1

It's in the bag for Ireland come on

Hanorah Woodward Jan 1

If I fail my mocks next week, this is why. Èire abú!

Stevie Mac Jan 1

Would have liked to see Madigan on the bench for the Scotland game..

Stevie Mac Jan 1

would have liked to see Madigan on the bench..

Jeremy Clarke Jan 1

Ireland for the lot!!

Emmy Lin Jan 1


Brendan Hayes Jan 1

Well ya cause they because they just did and can

Finlay MacLeod Jan 1

Are the Irish allowed to delay announcing their team this long?!