Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

The Highlanders manage to pounce on a loose pass and clear their lines but the canes go back on the attack

Schalk M. Jul 7

Come on canes!!

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

Perenara burst free but is hauled in setting up the ruck with the Hurricanes still in possession

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

The Highlanders in possession now and teh Hurricanes defense being tested but, the kick ahead made by Aaron Smith runs dead over the dead ball line and play is taken back to where the kick was made from just outside the Hurricanes 22

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

The Home side just gaining some momentum as they enjoy more of the possession

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

Penalty to the Hurricanes as the Highlanders penalized for playing the man while still on the ground. Barrett slots the kick and the gap is 4 points with 14 minutes to go

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

Both sides throwing some 50-50 passes which could cost them should the passes be intercepted

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

A welcome stoppage now as Sopoaga receives some attention for what the Highlanders will hope is only cramp.

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

The Hurricanes in possession now and working their way upfield, keeping the Highlanders' defense honest

Andrew Anderson Jul 7

come on the highlanders