Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
England carry from their own 5m line. Scarratt clears long
Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
They go wide and Corson is tackled 10m and shoves it back inside. The ball goes forward and England have a scrum
Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
France maul into the 22
Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
France attacking down the right now after the English clearance
Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
England win the lineout and look to create space to clear
Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Amedee finds touch 5m out
Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Penalty to France on the English 10m after the maul is pulled down
Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
France win the lineout on halfway and go to the maul
Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Penalty to France for a high tackle and Amedee will kick to touch