Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Sean Gallagher has a word with Laura Russel regarding repeated infringements in the 22. England set up a line-out 5m out through a penalty.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Penalty England! Abbie Scott latches onto the tackled player to earn England a penalty.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Pick up at the base of the ruck, gifts Lark Davies with her second 5-pointer.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

England is rewarded with a 5m scrum as Magali Harvey carries the ball over her try-line.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

England Penalty! Hannah Bottermann makes 35m with a bone-crushing run. They opt for the kick to touch but fail to secure possession of the ball.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Canada do well to exit their 22 but Sabrina Poulin fails to hang onto the pass with some open space in-front of her.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Brilliant kick from Sarah McKenna as she forces Canada to defend their line-out on their 5m.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Canada fail to deal with the driving maul from the England forwards. Lark Davies dots the ball down over the line.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Attwood fails to add the conversion.