Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

10 minutes remaining

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Magpies maul it but it is held up and Steelers have the scrum feed 5m from their own line

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

West with a long long pass out wide that is intercepted but Counties infringed ahead of that

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Penalty HB after 6 phases

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

HB win their line out and maul it, another phase later and they knock it

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9


Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Penalty Magpies and West finds touch

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Kerr with a run at the line and he makes a half break, pops inside to open the defense up and TNW is in support to get the next pass and score his 2nd

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

HB miss their jumper and Steelers strike

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

West finds touch