Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Smith break the defensive line and looks a pass to his left but it is almost intercepted and falls into the pathaway of Farrell to score the BP try

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

The ball is booted down field and Porch returns the attack

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Garcia goes short to his forwards

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Zebre turn the ball over inside their 22m

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Connacht move into the 22m

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Connacht secure the line out and form a maul

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Penalty Connacht

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Connacht secure the line out and goes on the charge, Porch gathers out wide

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Zebre secure their line out and Garcia goes on the attack but the play is called back for a foot in touch

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

The scrum is stable and Garcia goes to the midfield where the ball is swung out wide with an attempted grubber but the ball is booted into touch by Smith