Untitled design
Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Free kick Scarlets, a scuffle breaks out

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Scarlets secures the restart and Davies clears, Morgan puts in the high kick but he is unable to gather the ball and it goes out into touch

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Davies illegally impedes the maul and he is sent to the bin with a penalty try awarded

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Scarlets forms a maul from the line out, penalty advantage

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Scarlets puts in the shove and gets the scrum Penalty

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Cardiff knocks the ball, scrum Scarlets

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Scarlets knocks the ball and Cardiff steals it, Scrum Cardiff

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Evans is sent to the bin for foul play after a direct shoulder to the head of Williams

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4


Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Williams falls in the tackle but hangs on to the ball, Penalty Scarlets