Louw throws a forward pass and Sale have the feed to the scrum.
Into the final 5.
Free kick to Bath. Priestland sends it high. Watson comes up with it and he chips through. RJvR covers it just before his line with Faletau right behind him. Sale are able to clear, Lineout to Bath just outside the 22.
Clean lineout and RJvR carries. He losses it in contact and Bath get the scrum.
Deep restart to Roko. Bath carry it up a few phases before Priestland punts to touch.
He NAILS it with ease from 40m out.
Bath win the lineout and go backwards before Watson wins a few metres with some nice footwork. Penalty against Sale Sharks for a no arms tackle.
BIG scrum from Bath, who have been dominated by Sale for most of the game. They win the penalty and Priestland finds a brilliant touch in between the Sale 22 and 10m.
Both front rows go up and we will have reset. About 13 minutes left to play.
Skew throw from Webber at the lineout. Scrum to Bath in their own 22.